KENT, Wash. (April 3, 2024) — Washington workers will soon gain some new rights, including protections against employers holding mandatory meetings on religious and political issues.
Union membership helps raise workers’ pay. Union workers earn 22.2 percent more than nonunion workers, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. The union advantage is even more for women coming in at 26.7 percent and helps narrow the income gap that disadvantages women.
The Power of a Union Contract
A union job means the guarantee of a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), also known as a legally binding
contract. A contract is an enforceable document that establishes “wages, hours and terms and conditions of work.” There are currently more than 4,400 contracts in effect between the IAM and various companies.
So, who works to protect your contract?
The Shop Steward is a co-worker appointed by your elected union officers and trained to be the front line representative for you. IAM Stewards are trained to iron out problems between members and managers and, if necessary, settle issues more formally through the grievance procedure.
The Power of a Union Contract
A union job means the guarantee of a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), also known as a legally binding
contract. A contract is an enforceable document that establishes “wages, hours and terms and conditions of work.” There are currently more than 4,400 contracts in effect between the IAM and various companies. Read More...
So, who works to protect your contract?
The Shop Steward is a co-worker appointed by your elected union officers and trained to be the front line representative for you. IAM Stewards are trained to iron out problems between members and managers and, if necessary, settle issues more formally through the grievance procedure. Read More...